Kane also argued that it was impossible to positively prove that a mistake had not been made with a purely clerical system.
Some optical systems use breadboards made of solid aluminum for later integration with a larger system with some form of vibration control.
But when young people are choosing a university, they're making this huge decision with a really patchy system of advice.
The gear changes must be made with a mechanical system (so paddle shifters are not allowed).
The new constitution would make Birendra head of state of a constitutional monarchy with a system of multiparty democracy.
After five minutes of fruitless talking to the unresponsive walls, Poole had finally made contact with a system that understood his accent and his commands.
But here, in the Midwest, we have whole systems of ruins and earthworks that can only have been made by highly sophisticated people with a developed social and political system.
Under Thomas Witherings, chief postmaster under Charles I, the Royal Mail was made available to the public (1635), with a regular system of post roads, houses, and staff.
Do you think that we might make more progress with a system of incentives or that, in the course of time, this could be turned into a system of incentives?
But you're never going to make a great city with a poor educational system, and I think that finally the voters realized this.