He made his directorial debut in 1996 with a production of The Last Yankee at the Mercury Theatre, Colchester.
In 2010 Grandage started to work in opera making his debut at Glyndebourne with a production of Billy Budd.
The Company made its London premiere in 1981, with a full-length production of Swan Lake.
He made his own directorial debut in February with a production of Chekhov's "Three Sisters.
Ms. Taymor will make her Metropolitan Opera debut on Oct. 8 with a new production of "Die Zauberflöte."
Combined sales of Opel and Vauxhall Astra G made it the 26th most popular car in the world with a total production of 3,799,015.
Nevertheless, the troupe made its debut last spring with a production of John Patrick Shanley's "Italian-American Reconciliation."
The repertory company, founded by the actor Tony Randall, made its debut on Dec. 10 with a production of "The Crucible."
He made his West End debut at the Adelphi Theatre in 1960 with a production of The Bishop's Bonfire.
Five years later, he became the director of an opera and zarzuela company, making his debut in Gibraltar with a production of Giovanni Pacini's Safo.