An improperly-configured system will lead to strange errors and problems, and make upgrading a nightmare.
It will make upgrading a nightmare if not managed properly ..... Apple's approach to OS is different as they are primarily a hardware vendor.
It seems like it is in both the customer's and Microsoft's best interests to make upgrading plans very simple and pain free.
That's a tougher call, but it certainly makes upgrading to Office 2000 less attractive.
Making Upgrading Easy: Even if built to be radon-resistant, every new home should be tested for radon as soon as possible after occupancy.
The new model is significantly smoother than the old - if nothing else persuades an existing Versys owner, this alone makes it worth upgrading.
Because of its concrete floors and walls, making upgrading the technological infrastructure of the building difficult.
However, this can impede interoperability between different audio/visual devices and makes upgrading certain parts impossible.
This makes upgrading the cooling system essential.
The power supply was located in the monitor, which made upgrading difficult.