He made several voyages on the schooner Hattie Weston under the command of Captain Josiah Morton.
Within what seemed a few days she made a succession of trips to the French ports under the command of Captain P. B. Cowley.
On the 25 April 1885, Etruria finally made her maiden voyage under the command of Captain McMicken.
Launched in late September 1765, the schooner made her first voyage on 15 October 1765 under the command of Benjamin Green Jnr.
In May 1968 the 454th Wing made its third deployment to the Western Pacific area, its second under the command of General Martin.
Attached to the 1st U-boat Flotilla, she made nine successful patrols in the North Atlantic, the last two under the command of Kptlt.
The ship made its first appearance in Dead Man's Chest under the command of the fictional captain, Davy Jones.
There he soon made a name for himself as a soldier, under the command of the king's uncle, John, Duke of Bedford.
She was used as a survey ship from 1764 and made two circumnavigations under the command of John Byron and Samuel Wallis.
All of his war patrols were made under the command of Otto Kretschmer.