A Memorial in Central London to the many young men who died and to the vital contribution made by Bomber Command to victory would provide that recognition.
I do not for a moment deny the overwhelming contribution made by the Russian armies to final victory over Hitler, nor the importance of current diplomatic discussions.
Yakir's disciples who survived the Purge used the experiences which they had gained under Yakir to make a vital contribution to Soviet victory over Germany.
Davidson contends that Mulford did not make claims to victory later in life, as some have suggested.
She made a smile and murmured, "To victory."
Bear down, Chicago Bears, make every play clear the way to victory.
However all nations will make their contribution to a player's Victory Point total and eventual victory or defeat.
But Mr. James has a history of making late dashes to victory, often with help from Christian conservatives whose enthusiasm does not always register in polls.
All who pass it will be reminded of the immense contribution made by Australians to final victory.
Keegan, a military historian, presents several cleareyed case studies, measuring the contribution that intelligence made to victory, with heroic legends often giving way to duller truths.