The agency estimates that it receives only one in 50 reports of cosmetic-related complaints made to the industry.
She told Phang that Kelly wouldn't make changes to the industry.
"There are lots of opportunities to make significant contributions to the industry and to Washington State."
One the largest contributions of Cole-Parmer made to the industry was in the marketing and advertising.
The 53-year-old is now making a full return to the industry he started out in.
She made a comeback to the comic industry as a scenarist in 1999.
In 1998, the government made more changes to the industry, including splitting the energy sector into lines companies and retailers.
Heavy D made many monumental, multi-talented, multi-faceted skills and contributions to the industry.
In 2007 she made a comeback to the industry after several years of retirement.
Firstly, I fully support the call for the funds made available to the film-making industry to be increased.