They came here penniless and made a claim to the Minister of Justice.
State agencies are subordinate to one particular ministry, and appeals are made to the Minister.
On September 11, 2009 she was made Parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Environment.
The Council is then required to make its report to the Speaker and the appropriate Minister within 30 days.
A similar change was also made to the Minister of Inland Revenue portfolio at that time.
The Board made a proposal to the Minister which was rejected.
They may, within two months from the date of the detention order, make written representations to the Minister.
Detention orders must be reviewed at least once every 12 months by an advisory board which thereafter makes its recommendation to the Minister.
It makes recommendations to the responsible Minister on the Corporations Law, and produces an annual report.
In 1973, a government appointed committed made the same recommendation to the Minister of Advanced Education.