We talked about doing that - the detective - made a few calls to agencies.
Loans under the Section 515 program are made to individuals, corporations, associations, trusts, partnerships, or public agencies.
It has no rule-making authority and can only make recommendations to other agencies.
Making grants to appropriate agencies for purposes of research.
Vienna and Geneva have made rich offers to agencies as well.
It also conducted extensive research and made many useful recommendations to national and international agencies.
Accordingly, in our reports over the last several years, we have made dozens of specific recommendations to individual agencies.
The Committee was also supposed to make recommendations to federal agencies and to the President on how Executive Order 8802 could be made most effective.
Appropriate referrals may be made to other agencies or institutions where complementary services may be obtained.
These centers take a neutral position on adoption, as do the maternity homes, making referrals to lawyers or agencies if women ask about this option.