Sheriff Wyatt plunged the fork into the vanilla ripple, its prongs making even runnels through the white and brown ice cream.
Tears had made runnels through the soot on her face; the skin shone hawthorn blossom fair.
Snudge's eyes welled up and he was too spent even to wipe away the tears making runnels on his sooty face.
Sweat made runnels in the dust on his face; his thin shirt clung to his back, dark and soaked.
Across the table from the Myrddraal, Adden faced those eyeless stares, but sweat made runnels in the dirt on his face.
He was blind with the smoke; tears poured down his checks, making runnels in the soot.
He made little runnels that the tide filled and tried to crowd them with creatures.
She clung there, and her eyes filled, the tears slipping out to make runnels down her face.
"Alianne died in childbirth," Sean said, tears now making runnels down his cheeks.
The horror gave way slowly to self-pity, the blue eyes filled with tears and she began to weep, the tears making runnels down her heavy makeup.