LEO: Now, somebody must be making routers with IPv6 compatibility.
Cisco, which makes routers, switches and other networking equipment, is selling itself as an agent of productivity gains for its customers - whether they are companies or entire countries.
If you work for a company that makes routers, you've not going to be very excited about technology that lets computers communicate directly, without needing a router.
Juniper makes routers that create the backbone of the Internet.
Juniper Networks, which makes routers for the infrastructure of the Internet, went public in late June and, at its peak, was up 700 percent in two months .
Bridge Communications made computer network bridges, routers, and communications servers.
These disclosures were new for Cisco, a company based in San Jose, Calif., that makes routers and switches that are used to direct Internet traffic.
At the time, he says, Mr. Sindhu was trying to figure out how to make cheaper routers.
Cisco Systems Inc., for example, makes routers used in building large computer networks.
But next to making switches or routers--let alone Windows 98--it's mediocre at best.