Because of this overvaluation of German currency, the occupiers were able to make seemingly fair and honest requisitions and purchases while, in effect, operating a system of organized plunder.
Hope Davies' solicitors delayed making requisitions and completion till the deed was sent, and this put Ogilvy at a loss.
Santerre's National Force seems lazy to rise; though he made requisitions, he says,--which always dispersed again.
Bean could make requests for more information, but that would require the library computer to make requisitions and use communications bandwidth that would have to be justified.
Congress could not levy taxes and could only make requisitions upon the states, which did not respond generously.
Congress could not levy taxes and could only make requisitions upon the States.
"Before I left Grafton I made requisitions for arms clothing etc for 10,000 Virginia troops - I fear that my estimate was much too large."
By 1780 Congress was making requisitions for specific supplies of corn, beef, pork and other necessities-an inefficient system that kept the army barely alive.
What's more, give him the power to make military requisitions in Bithynia, Pontus, Asia Province and Cilicia.
You're not in a position to make requisitions and we don't take them.