If the blood will be used to make platelets, it is kept at room temperature until the process is complete.
Flaxseed also seems to make platelets, the blood cells involved in clotting, less sticky.
Also, the bone marrow is not able to make enough platelets, which are needed for the blood to clot correctly.
Most platelet donations are given to patients who are unable to make enough platelets in their bone marrow.
But the body is constantly making new platelets.
Bone marrow makes white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets.
Sometimes the body may compensate by making abnormally large platelets.
Clofarabine can stop the bone marrow from making enough red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
Researchers have found that passive smoking makes platelets, the tiny fragments in the blood that help it clot, stickier.
The body normally makes new platelets very quickly and a donor could safely give platelets again in a few days.