Any spiritual or religious inspiration that he was looking for eluded him, but the journey made a strong impression on his literary work.
Their decorative, colour-saturated canvases made a big impact on Chuikov's work.
She questions the legitimacy of an artist's right to dictate who can make commentary on their work and what can be said.
The answers to such questions make the moral judgement on my work as an architect.
Walker explains that "Kubrick preferred to leave the film as the only real comment he could make on his work".
Exhibition, which illustrate the impact that skateboarding art has made on his work.
Over the course of the 30-year contracts, around £17bn would be paid to Metronet, which was expected to make a profit on its work.
Initially John's drug-taking didn't make a big impact on his work.
At the same time, MTV made a report on the band's work.
Fürstenhoff was a successful artist, who made a fortune on her work.