He was a right-handed batsman and made 9 runs in his single first-class appearance.
Five minutes had sufficed to make a complete transformation in his appearance.
A few shifts in the way you put yourself together - hair, makeup and jewelry - can make a significant change in your appearance.
But the most important change a man can make in his appearance is to change the contours of his face.
This refit made no remarkable changes in Tennessee's appearance.
Our first proceeding was to make a considerable change in our appearance.
And with it, a growing number of women are making dramatic changes in their appearance.
I was pleased to find that the lapse of years had made so little difference in my personal appearance.
Their heads were bare; but Helen had let her hair down and it made a great improvement in her appearance.
However, one difference is that the city does not require the "barrios" to make changes in their appearance to be accepted.