Complaints against the so-called golden share provisions in Britain and Spain were made in a lawsuit filed by the European Commission.
The former agent, Mark K. Mason, made the accusations in a lawsuit filed earlier this month in a state court in Miami.
She made the charges in a lawsuit in federal court that her mother filed yesterday on her behalf.
National Medical Enterprises recently made a $125 million settlement in a lawsuit filed by insurance companies charging fraud and faces a number of similar suits.
They made the statements in a lawsuit filed in January against the federal government after officials investigating the Sept. 11 attacks seized the foundation's assets.
The government has made the same Orwellian claims of secrecy in a lawsuit over the president's decision to create secret C.I.A. prisons for terrorism suspects.
Hundreds of villagers say they were made sick by the spill in a lawsuit filed against Newmont.
The ruling was made in a lawsuit brought by the New York Public Interest Research Group and other advocacy organizations.
The Senecas had previously made the same claim in a lawsuit which they lost because of the state's assertion of sovereign immunity.
She made these allegations in a lawsuit against Macchio, charging him with physical abuse and breach of contract.