He said the remark was made in a conversation the two had on a filming location about 40 miles north of Los Angeles.
President Bush telephoned President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia today and made the case for war in a 17-minute conversation.
Rieux's position is made clear in part II in a conversation with Tarrou.
He made the suggestion on Monday in a conversation with Joe Douglas, who is Lewis's manager.
A revelation of this attitude was made one day in a conversation which the inspector heard vigorously carried on in a laundry.
Similarly, expressions of opinion made in a purely private conversation should not ordinarily be charged.
The narrators had, so Chaucer in his Canterbury Tales, offered these stories to make certain points in a lively conversation he had only chronicled.
Here are comments he made in a conversation with William N. Wallace of The Times's sports staff.
Then came the voice of the older one, quiet and matter-of-fact, as if making a reasonable point in a pleasant conversation.
The President's offer, first made more than a year ago in a conversation with Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, is, however, stalled.