A claim was made for production again starting August 9.
"If you lose that hub, New York City doesn't make sense anymore for production."
The small size of farms makes for inefficient production and contributes to a low standard of living.
The war made heavy demands on the Lister for production of antisera and vaccines.
Defense expenditures and investment have been cut back to make way for production of more consumer goods.
To make a cyclotron for production of atomic energy, you have to have inertron.
This climate made the area very important for agricultural production in the pre Hispanic and colonial eras.
Not only have imports dried up, making room for domestic production, but it has changed the whole financial situation in the country.
It's a problem of scale: rules that work for industry don't always make sense for home or local production.
"At that time television was all live," he said, which often made for chaotic production.