Wilhelmina made further exceptions for such events as her fiftieth birthday in 1930.
The same researcher who found these results also made reference to Tessler's studies (1986, 1991) of memory for events in childhood.
Some of these are custom made in very small numbers, sometimes for promotional events.
Many commemorative 1, 2, 5 and 10 baht coins have been made for special events.
This is a world in which time is not fluid, parting to make way for events.
Such commemorations have been made for national and local events.
Discuss how you can make improvements for future events while your impressions are still fresh.
A number of one-off beers have also been made for special events.
A small part of its portfolio is making signs for special events and for street renamings.
I must tell you that the Centurion hasn't made any overtures to us for social events, either.