There are also cities that have passed laws making discrimination based on sexual orientation illegal.
For months, Mr. Clinton has appeared to make the privacy and discrimination matters a central policy focus of the debate on the legislation.
However, his suggested remedy, eliminating affirmative action and making discrimination a felony, would not correct the preference-ridden system.
Association representatives who testified impressed Mrs. Brown, and she agreed to introduce a bill that would make discrimination against families with children more difficult.
The owners were taken to court and the law held; the legal case was Canada's first successful test of laws making discrimination illegal.
When elected, he immediately proposed a city ordinance that would make racial discrimination by employers subject to a fine.
This included measuring their ability to make sensory discrimination which he assumed was linked to intellectual prowess.
Increasingly strong measures against discrimination have made hiring discrimination much more difficult for employers to engage in.
This constitution made racial discrimination illegal and provided for public education and a state university.
The experiences of the Holocaust made racial discrimination unacceptable in Canada, at least from the government policy standpoint.