In their eyes, he is a reformer who has promised to stamp out corruption and make corporations and the rich pay more taxes.
Making individuals and corporations pay their fair share of tax never seems to be an option, does it?
They crusade for all the things rich people are against: financing decent health care and welfare programs through higher taxes, making big corporations pay their fair share.
The Economy The Clinton Administration is turning to privatization, proposing to make some agencies Government-chartered corporations.
Instead, other countries are scrapping regulations to try to make their economies and corporations more like America's.
Government subsidies to transportation, however, make large, centralized corporations artificially profitable, contributing to corporate dominance of the economy.
The plan aims to make both individuals and corporations more responsible for covering the state's citizens.
Smaller interest payments are already making corporations a bit flusher and refinancing by homeowners has added up to billions of dollars in new buying power.
This decision made corporations more vulnerable to prosecution by limiting the rights of individuals as delineated in Boyd v. U.S. (1886).
They say that the recession has made corporations with pollution problems slower to remedy them, thus curbing the growth of the consultants.