In effect, the Canadiens, who more than made themselves at home at Madison Square Garden last week, received a taste of their own medicine.
Their "third" jersey, to be worn for nine games this season, will make its debut tomorrow night against the Islanders at Madison Square Garden.
They wiped out a 16-point deficit last night and made several big shots late in the game for a 99-96 victory at Madison Square Garden.
"That's the one I've made so many time here at Madison Square Garden, but this time it didn't get in."
Indoor track made its annual stop at Madison Square Garden last night with the 97th Millrose Games.
Making horrid history at Madison Square Garden last night, the Knicks lost, 104-96, to the 76ers.
On 29 July 1978, the band made their second appearance at Madison Square Garden, New York.
It will be honored, the club said yesterday, whenever the Rangers make their delayed debut at Madison Square Garden.
Not many fighters can say they made their professional debut at Madison Square Garden.
This latest headache for boxing comes just as the sport is making a comeback at Madison Square Garden.