Newsweek covers the wine industry's push to make Americans drink more wine.
But there's no way such an amendment would make Americans better off than they were seven years ago.
Consider what lies ahead for poor Hillary, who fought so hard and used every trick in the book to try to make Americans like her.
We also still have more to do to make Americans safer here in Colorado and throughout the nation.
But refusing to buy sweatshop products risks making Americans feel good while harming those we are trying to help.
"One thing 9/11 did was to make Americans a little less reflexively supportive of civil liberty," she said.
Would make Americans look to him for leadership?
Something about air travel makes Americans, too, looser with their credit cards.
But the answer isn't to make older Americans just as vulnerable to insurance markets as the rest of the country.
And still the media make Americans out to be miserable.