In the meantime, get the shop stewards at your plant to take an accurate reading of the majority viewpoint without influencing the men either way.
But the leader of the country's biggest political party, a vocal advocate of the anti-normalization drive, contends that he represents the majority viewpoint.
According to the majority viewpoint, this gospel is unlikely to have been written by an eyewitness.
Pluralistic Ignorance describes how people who hold the majority viewpoint incorrectly believe they are in the minority.
According to the majority viewpoint, Mark was the first gospel written.
A good example of the majority viewpoint shows up in the housing situation, which at the moment is inextricably linked with urban renewal.
This general agreement began to break down in the late 1970s, and today there are many theories but no consensus, or even majority viewpoint.
But neither he nor Woit really confront the reason ideas in physics become majority viewpoints.
When the time comes to take a decision, one member should take the part of 'devil's advocate' challenging the majority viewpoint.
The ratio of a given case is found (if the opinions of the judges are not unanimous) by identifying the majority viewpoint.