A candidate needs to win a simple majority of total delegates to earn the Democratic nomination.
Also, he has won a majority of delegates from Louisiana.
"You think you'll have a majority of delegates before the convention?"
This is a convention, after all, in which the vast majority of delegates are white, and most are men.
Thirteen more ballots were taken without any candidate receiving the 2/3rds majority of delegates.
The following table shows who won the majority or plurality of delegates for each county according to available unofficial reports.
To raise the issue for debate on the floor they need support from a majority of delegates in each of six states.
What these people don't understand is that this is not a political issue to a majority of delegates.
On September 7, 1874, the new constitution was completed and signed by a majority of delegates.
On the first two rounds a candidate must receive an absolute majority of delegates to be elected.