At last November's Comdex show in Las Vegas, a majority of her clients invited important customers to their hotel suites rather than woo them on the trade-show floor.
Here in London there fast majority of organisations run by Hawiye people, yet they use the name of Somalia, therefore do not invite organisations unless you know who runs.
But a new majority may view more expansively the Constitution's protection of political messages as free speech, and invite a flood of advertising paid for by corporations and unions as the 2008 elections move into high gear.
Whereas the majority invite the public to participate, Cân i Gymru welcomes only professional artists.
In the Council, a large majority of Member States invited the Commission to put a proposal on the table on increasing quotas.
A 1998 study by the National Investors Relations Institute, cited by Mr. Kramer, found that while the majority of the 163 companies surveyed preferred to discuss new information with analysts on conference calls, 29 percent invited individual shareholders, and 14 percent invited the media.