The committee sharing relationship continued for two years after Republicans took majority control in 2000.
The pilots, who have tried several times since 1987 to buy the carrier, said from the start that they wanted nothing less than majority control.
At that time, the majority control of the business was held by the German family.
The government began to slowly sell its majority control, but kept a 19% stake in the company.
And after buying majority control, it would leave everyone else with a claim to fight among themselves.
All but one of the company's more than 20 investors is a mother and the founders have kept majority control.
Alliances with his father and shareholders outside the family then gave him majority control.
She said the company wanted to keep majority control in all the businesses.
The Kremlin plans to retain majority control of the company.
Afterward, you can turn over your stock to me, and I'll hold majority control.