The first major technologies, then, were tied to survival, hunting, and food preparation in this environment.
The next major technology to aid spotters was the development of the cell phone in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
In this article, you will learn about the two major night-vision technologies.
Home videotaping was another major technology introduced during this time.
Patents don't have to cover obvious major technology to be important.
Still, the major technologies of the last 150 years did have a profound impact, and so, probably, will the Internet.
But it had been almost a year since Dell's last major technology was rolled out - a dangerously long time in the personal computer business.
A major underlying technology to such systems is natural language processing.
They're putting chips down on every major technology and hoping the ball will fall in the right spot.
Presented here are the major technologies as of July 19, 1999.