One major bright spot, however, was a 23 percent surge in the sale of big networking equipment sold to other telephone companies.
The mezzanine has been a major featured spot for subway performers ever since the opening of the station.
The schedule starts from 9 am to 3 pm to turn around 11 major spots of history.
Currently (2011) this is a major spot to hire day laborers.
This is a major blind spot in what passes for thinking amongst economists.
Discovery Land is a theme park which contains six different major scenic spots.
For the next few years, there will probably be three major "sweet spots" in the communications equipment business.
The lake is one of the major scenic spots in the city and serves as a focal point for its public life.
It has now become a major spot of shooting of films.
The report is likely to show major weak spots, as a preliminary report did last summer.