There were few protected harbors on the south shore deep enough for major shipping in the early 19th century.
The nearest major shipping port is Durban.
One marks the migration routes of birds, another shows expected rainfall-not much for my area-another the major shipping lanes.
Had nothing been done, the harbor could easily have closed down to major shipping within a decade.
The town became a major shipping and trading point for surrounding counties in Georgia and Alabama.
Present-day Salinas is a city of more than 100,000 people, a major shipping and processing center for California's industrialized agriculture.
Inset Cooks were agents for all the major shipping lines.
"When they get out of that valley we left, they'll hit a major east-west shipping route, with virtually no problems on the way."
Rotterdam became a major shipping and manufacturing center.
This port will help make Shanghai a major shipping and financial center.