This, unlike the initial exposure, was a major readjustment of the reality structure impinging on him.
Slight Slip for Tech There was some shuffling, but no major readjustments of the pecking order in all the listings.
One of the most "popular and effective documents in American political history", Jackson outlined a major readjustment to the relative powers of the government branches.
Of course they told us they had a major readjustment of their relationship with the East India Company.
Even the C.I.A. itself did not make major readjustments to evaluate the threat.
One way or another, a major readjustment of trade and capital flows was inevitable, with or without a Federal budget deficit.
I had to do a major readjustment.
"It's going to be a major readjustment for me," Mr. Silva said.
It was not long before a lot of people found their perceptions of towels, white mice and the number Forty-Two had undergone a major readjustment.
The Renaissance, which came late to Venice, signified a major readjustment in the city's identity.