This is a major process in the ocean and without vertical migration it wouldn't be nearly as efficient.
There are at least a few major processes that already use heat energy, power production being perhaps the most obvious.
The major process active here is frost weathering with the result of crushed rocks.
The major processes involved in the formation of lunar soil are:
This led to the beginning of a major process of reform, starting about 1980, which is still continuing in 2009.
In short, all major processes in the developing central nervous system appear compromised.
There are two major processes for recovering the phases using the data obtained by regular equipment.
The museum was founded in 1894 and recently went through a major re-visioning process in 2008.
"The threshold task is to determine the actual cost of providing an education, and that is a major process," he said.
A major, well-studied process and consequence of cognitive development is language acquisition.