The epic poem King Alfred was Fitchett's major life's work.
In the long term, we want to be in all the major life science markets.
A number of major life and property insurers have been using newspaper and radio advertising to reach out to the public since last week's terrorist attacks.
She signed a Do Not Resuscitate form, specifying no further major life support measures.
"King David" is a series of choruses and solos that follow and comment on a major Biblical life.
Reverend Jackson found his major life's work in the new territory of Alaska.
Heart failure, growth impairment, diabetes, and osteoporosis are major life threatening contributors brought upon by TM.
When remembering things from ones past it is easier to remember events that are tied to a major life changing event.
I have had 7 major life saving operations to remove over 30 obstructions (blockages) from my bowel.