Without that kind of money, one's future as a major league owner is limited.
Also, he wrote a letter to other major league club owners about his status.
He couldn't understand why major league club owners would place so much authority in the hands of one man, the judge said, but they did.
"I thought, wait a minute, that's kind of an interesting question for a major league owner to ask you."
This was a reference to the other major league owners.
But with the year 2000 approaching, all the major league owners should look at a map.
Equally, you do not want to be involved in a marketplace if your competitor is the major owner.
And also, the government has a strong commercial interest in the Net; it's a major owner.
Unfortunately, major league club owners will very likely go for the glamour.
For the first time since 1977, major league owners are preparing to make room in their elite circle.