Three years later, there are two major lawsuits pending.
It is the third major lawsuit filed against the city by news organizations and others who say they are being denied access to public records.
We may start a major lawsuit against one of the tenants very soon.
Lawyers for the pharmacies are expected to appeal the decision, however, and drug manufacturers still face several other major lawsuits.
EVER wish you could get a piece of a major lawsuit?
The relatively small hedge seems to indicate a certain level of confidence that major lawsuits will be few and far between.
The road was the subject of a major lawsuit around 1900.
In fact, he said, many of the state's major environmental lawsuits have been brought by private environmental groups, not by government agencies.
"First time some tourist goes over the side there's going to be a major lawsuit."
He also faced several major lawsuits from former clients.