Anticipating that, major holdouts have been working for years with the United Nations to modify unacceptable provisions.
"Australia and the Hulzeins, it looks like, are the only major holdouts," Tregare said.
A major holdout has been Britain, which limits landing rights at Heathrow to only two United States airlines.
Ms. Dean might be described as a major minimalist holdout.
The video-sharing site YouTube, which Google bought last year, is the major holdout so far.
The only major holdout is China, which he plans to bomb via teleportation.
The Beatles are considered the last major holdout from online downloading services like iTunes.
California, a major holdout, just passed such a law, effective Jan. 1.
James Clements seems to be the last major holdout on the three-way split.
The only major holdout was Continental Airlines, which said yesterday that it would continue to serve meals as usual on its planes.