A major facet of Hassam is that he caught the essential rhythms of both city and country.
This seemingly trivial fact highlights a major facet of Apple's strategy.
A major facet of the Quest Mode is hunger management.
Outsourcing has become a major facet of military life and it will be difficult to change that in the short run.
Sharing images on the popular networking site Tumblr is the major facet of this new trend.
I have compiled similar records for the other two major facets of baseball梖ielding and pitching.
A major facet of the school's identity is the relationship between its academic areas and its military areas.
Storytelling is a major facet of the Collective's educational work.
Another major facet of this area addresses the relationship between gender and mathematics.
Integrating different subjects is a major facet of their home-schooling program, she said.