To say that these are the kinds of people Mr. Mamet is writing about is a cop-out, disproved by every major dramatist.
That remains broadly true; but "Skylight" isn't the only new play by a major dramatist that 1995 is bringing us.
In the mid-1980's, one must understand, Lanford Wilson was a major dramatist at a major standstill.
Indeed, it's hard to think of a major dramatist so personally and perilously dedicated to the serious business of exploration.
He is one of the few major dramatists of the 20th century to make history his subject.
Alexander was rattled, disturbed in his habits, by instant fame, by being treated as a major dramatist.
He was considered one of the major dramatists of the late sixteenth century.
In 1937, Ranbhoomi Parishad, was formed in Ahmedabad which tried to present major dramatists of the period on common platform for the first time.
We live through the 40-year struggle of a major dramatist to produce work that is fresh and important.
It led to sporadic bans on major dramatists such as Ibsen, Strindberg and Shaw.