A. These builders have enjoyed 10 years without a major downturn.
The administration, he said, is just trying to anticipate any major downturn.
A major downturn in the American stock market.
So perhaps even the current outsized figures do not mean that a major downturn is imminent.
"This should allow Tandem to sell through all but a major economic downturn, which we are not forecasting."
We are certainly not immune to a major worldwide economic downturn.
Even in periods of major economic downturn, few customers cut back on annual licenses.
However, that same year a major economic downturn seriously disrupted the company, and by 1978 it was insolvent.
Between 1989 and 1992, the regional economy suffered through a major downturn, with 715,000 private-sector jobs lost during that period.
Disco led the music business into its first major downturn, in part because every company jumped on the same bandwagon.