Along with specific customs related to everything from religion to language, the British migrants brought with them food habits that formed major regional cuisines of English-speaking America.
For the first time since the end of rationing, British cooks were producing dishes that bore comparison to the major cuisines.
It sells over 10,000 Asian food products covering every major Asian cuisine, including Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, and Filipino.
The only major international cuisines with a large presence are Chinese (known locally as chifa) and Italian.
Foods of the World was a popular series of 27 cookbooks published by Time-Life, beginning in 1968 and extending through the early 1970s, that provided a broad survey of many of the world's major cuisines.
LEAD: FOR several years coriander has been a voguish herb that shows up in all sorts of dishes in nearly every major cuisine.
Some restaurants offer taro cakes cut into small cubes as part of a main course appetizer to a major Chinese cuisine.
Suva offers a varied and interesting culinary experience where almost every if not all major cuisines are represented.
The menu pays homage to the major regional cuisines: from Beijing, Sichuan, Hunan, Shanghai and Canton.
Issues are usually dedicated to a particular theme: the 2004 Olympic Torch Relay, China's eight major cuisines, and Beijing's many architectural styles, are examples from June, August, and September 2004, respectively.