There are three major crossings of the river at Benalla.
Automobile tolls on the major crossings operated by the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority will rise to $2 from $1.75 after midnight tonight.
At the major urban crossings, it would mean stepping up security at the risk of creating the gargantuan backups that have occurred in the last three weeks.
Along with the Braga Bridge, it is one of the two major crossings of the river.
This is a list of major crossings of San Juan Creek, proceeding upstream of the mouth.
The tightening is evident in slower lines at major crossings and soaring seizures of marijuana.
In addition there were three major unmanned crossings (where engine whistles were required).
It is also the first trail in Tennessee to use a pedestrian hybrid beacon at two major crossings: Highland and Graham.
In the United Kingdom, major crossings were normally situated within easy viewing distance of a signal box, and usually directly adjacent to the signal box.
This may result in non-monotonic behavior at major crossings, such as from 01111 to 10000.