This meant that there were essentially three variables which could affect risk of relapse: level of EE, level of contact, and maintenance medication.
Don't skip your maintenance medications.
Both drugs may be used as maintenance medications (taken for an indefinite period of time), or used as detoxification aids.
A detailed drug history was taken to confirm the type, dose, and duration of maintenance medication.
The goal is to induce remission initially with medications, followed by the administration of maintenance medications to prevent a relapse of the disease.
"Not taking maintenance medications makes patients vulnerable," he says.
Unfortunately, patients failing to take their maintenance medication is an all-too-common scenario.
Even without maintenance medications, some patients will go weeks or even months without a problem.
Whether you have a child with asthma or have it as an adult, you shouldn't skip your maintenance medications.
Between acute states of mania or depression, patients typically stay on maintenance medication to avoid a relapse.