Sita Anantha Raman also maintains that while educated Indian women workforce maintains professionalism, the men outnumber them in most fields and, in some cases, receive higher income for the same positions.
Portland Taiko is an active organization to the present day and maintains professionalism in national performance tours, workshops, educational and community outreach and innovation in taiko playing.
We've got to rise above all the pitfalls and maintain strong professionalism.
In order to maintain professionalism, the practice of law is typically overseen by either a government or independent regulating body such as a bar association, bar council or law society.
In a generally horrid cast, Jill Van Note, as Sarah, inappropriately and unflatteringly dressed, maintains remarkable cool and professionalism while grappling with intense conflict and disillusion.
Their objectives include promoting good eye health in Ghana, maintaining professionalism in their profession as ophthalmologists.
Obedience training is essential for the dog's safety, order at staging areas, and to maintain professionalism in law enforcement and the public audience.
So a critical question for democratic societies is how to maintain private independence and professionalism in an age of public funding.
The infirmary was her domain, and she maintained complete professionalism.
But he called on a Chamorro government to "maintain the integrity and professionalism" of the Interior Ministry and the national army, which currently amounts to an arm of the party.