To maintain his income, Moran became what was then colloquially known as a "pin artist", that is, someone who performs illegal abortions.
On May 1, 1969, he quit to become a full-time writer, and thereafter concentrated on writing novels in order to maintain his income.
To maintain her income she wrote numerous articles and papers for newspapers, magazines and learned societies.
This drop has forced many practitioners to nearly double their client load simply to maintain their income, he said.
This gives particular importance to maintaining the public's disposable income at a fairly high level.
Will they switch from to higher yielding shares to try to maintain their income?
The Sunday working at Sainsbury helped maintain the household's income, she said.
But it is not much interested in basic reforms, preferring to use state and crony contacts to maintain its income, experts here say.
Mr Sturdy is proposing a series of amendments to maintain farmers' income, particularly for farmers involved in extensive farming.
Buffett also brought up the problem of lobbying by the medical industry, saying that they are very focused on maintaining their income.