Sebum, protective oil naturally produced by glands in your skin, is necessary for maintaining overall moisture and shouldn't be scrubbed away.
Basting a turkey gives the skin added flavor, but it does nothing to maintain interior moisture.
Dryland farmers rely on rainfall to water their crops, they engage in practices to maintain moisture in the soil.
Round steak is commonly prepared with slow moist-heat methods including braising, to tenderize the meat and maintain moisture.
Fiber mulch accelerates the growing process by maintaining moisture around the seeds thereby increasing the rate of germination.
Many farmers use mist-producing devices to maintain proper moisture in the air and/or soil.
Ripening is aided by the presence of forests which helps to stabilize temperatures and maintain moisture in the soil.
One of the main challenges to optimum biofilter operation is maintaining proper moisture throughout the system.
The trick is maintaining the right temperature and moisture.
When there is no rain, the track is watered to maintain moisture.