The establishment is a microbrewery and specializes in "live beer" that is distributed cold to maintain freshness.
In an effort to maintain quality and freshness, Laura's team would iron sheets of wax paper together to form a bag.
Instead, she orders all her fish and seafood and most of the vegetables local, sometimes ordering several times a day to maintain freshness.
Although already severed in the base for a period of time, the leaves did not wilt and maintained its life and freshness.
The Imperial ships its products worldwide, as the chocolates maintain freshness for two months.
The pouch has a packet containing iron, which helps maintain freshness.
Milk bags cannot be sealed once open, although some consumers fold over the spout and use clips to help maintain freshness.
The cloves were probably also packaged soon after grinding to maintain freshness.
So, giving yourself a daily scrub is important when you want to maintain freshness.
Cooling is the primary technology used to maintain freshness, whereas many more technologies have been invented to allow foods to last longer without becoming spoiled.