Its esteemed products and services help professionals maintain excellence in their industry".
But those who opposed the measure expressed concern about the system's ability to maintain academic excellence while relying less on academics for admission.
The awards enable 32 college-bound students, most of them in public schools, to receive $5,000 a year if they maintain academic excellence.
Administrators say affirmative action in admissions has been a success, maintaining educational excellence as Berkeley has become more diverse.
In my case, just knowing people doubt my abilities to maintain excellence keeps pushing me forward.
Every effort should be made to maintain competitive excellence.
All we can do is maintain excellence and put ourselves in the position to compete.
By their very nature independent schools need to raise money to maintain excellence.
If the public wants to maintain medical excellence it must be educated that taking part in teaching is a necessary part of the process.
In addition to maintaining academic excellence, the School was known for having wide athletic activities.