However, because the current is not maintained absolutely constant, skilled welders performing complicated welds can vary the arc length to cause minor fluctuations in the current.
Within each cell the parameters are maintained constant, but they may vary between the cells (Fig. 5).
It may be a good alternative for patients that have difficulty with automated perimetry, either due to difficulty maintaining constant gaze, or due to congnitive impairment.
The regulating system maintains approximately constant current and power input during the melting of the charge, even though scrap may move under the electrodes as it melts.
That is, if surface area were maintained constant during a burn the combustion reaction would not runaway to (theoretically) infinite as the pressure would reach an internal equilibrium.
The overall effect is that the echo frequency maintains nearly constant, and remains steadily within the auditory fovea.
Herring schools in general have very precise arrangements which allow the school to maintain relatively constant cruising speeds.
However, suppose the voltage between the plates V is maintained constant by connection to a battery, which is a reservoir for charge at constant potential difference.
Willie was setting the transmitter to a frequency of five hundred kilocycles, the distress frequency on which every ship at sea maintained constant listening watch.
On the other hand, it maintains constant as a large percentage of moisture.