Small groups maintained seasonal camps based on family and clan and moved around according to where the hunting and fishing was best.
The two consuls maintained widely separated camps.
The group maintains camps near the Iranian border, and before the war it operated with the support of Saddam Hussein's government.
The sale was mainly due to the local Council needing cash to maintain other camps that were in disrepair.
Naturally you should closely tend children and pets, maintain clean camps and do not store food where it is accessible to wild animals.
At this time, the population was small and autonomous, traded little with outsiders, and maintained only seasonal camps.
The rebels lived on a repetitive diet of rice and corn meal, supplemented by antelope and other game, and maintained tidy camps.
Tūhoe continue to maintain camps in Te Urewera and help run conservation programmes for endangered birds such as the kiwi and the kokako.
The Battalion supported Marine units by constructing roads and maintaining camps throughout Kuwait and Iraq.
The contras maintained camps here in past years, but many of them abandoned Honduras in the mid-1980's, moving into Nicaragua to fight the Sandinistas.