Rats maintained a thriving colony in the rafters.
One reasonable explanation points to the large energy expenditure in maintaining a colony of bioluminescent bacteria.
It revolves around building and maintaining a 16th-century colony in the New World.
It is also expensive to maintain a colony of larger animals such as the macaque.
Each frontier station was forced to be self-supporting, as existing means of supply were inadequate to maintain a colony of any size.
You have to maintain a large colony of animals to have a breeding population.
We can thus maintain a colony of bees, where each bee will traverse a potential solution path.
A prime principle in maintaining a colony out of touch with its supply base is to make it large enough.
The Experiment Station maintains a year-round colony of salt-marsh mosquitoes by means of forced mating.
These expeditions were funded primarily by Raleigh and his friends, but never provided the steady stream of revenue necessary to maintain a colony in America.