Ordinary flu kills about a million people each year, including 36,000 in the United States, mainly the elderly and those with weakened immune systems.
Affecting mainly the elderly, the 1968 pandemic was the least severe, but 33,800 were killed in the US.
Up to 30, mainly elderly, people attend this more traditional-style service which uses the Book of Common Prayer.
The program, known as Section 8, provides housing for about 4.3 million poor people around the country, mainly the elderly, disabled and children.
Under the plan, the city would continue to provide services to the 330 mainly elderly or disabled people who live in the hotel.
The troops were mainly elderly, or not fit for service in a first class division.
Although the congregation is mainly elderly there is an active children's club associated with the primary school.
The sec guards were mainly elderly, and not one of them had ever had to draw a blaster in anger.
About fifty-two villagers were left in Eliabun, mainly the elderly and children.
After reaching a low point of just 1,145 mainly elderly monks in 1971, the monasteries have been undergoing a steady and sustained renewal.